Friday, December 08, 2006

Beginning Week 35

And that means that Maranda will soon stop taking the Turb, the drug that slows contractions. While we are excited that this means the twins will be here sooner than later, we want them to still hold off for another week or two. There's a huge difference between week 34 and week 36. It could actually mean the difference between having to stay in NICU or not having to go at all.

Maranda's mother is now living with us for a little while. She is helping Maranda throughout the day and has already been busy doing projects to keep herself busy. She had the wonderful opportunity to accompany us to Summit Hospital. We've now had to go to Labor & Delivery about 7 or 8 times now. We're beginning to know all of the nurses by name.

We'll be sure to keep more posts coming, as we haven't been posting as much lately. ~A

1 comment:

Dave & Crystal Anderson said...

Can we see one more picture before Maranda delivers? I would love to see her now! Hang in there won't be long now!! two more weeks it is...we will keep believing with you!

Love you,