Saturday, December 16, 2006

The gang's all here!

Madelyn Rayne and Maleah Grace Coulter began their lives outside of Maranda's womb on December 15, 2006, at 10:10 a.m. and 10:11 a.m. respectively. After having very severe contractions, Dr. McCullough decided to go ahead with the C-section, as she felt that was best in our situation.

Madelyn Rayne was born at 4 lbs, 15 oz and 17 " long. She was taken to NICU for observation, but she has had very little trouble breathing, having never had to be placed on oxygen. She is breathing on her own, and Maranda has even begun to breastfeed her in the NICU. She is doing exceptionally well, Praise the Lord.

Maleah Grace was born second at 5 lbs, 6 oz. and 17" long. She had a little more difficulty breathing on her own in the beginning, but she needed minimal assistance. Already she is off of the oxygen and is quickly catching up with her sister. She is now beginning to eat, but she isn't yet to the breastfeeding stage. This picture is more frightening than her actual status. She really is doing very, very well! The tubes were merely to help her, as she was breathing on her own.

It looks more and more like the girls will be identical, but nothing is definite as of yet. Their blood types came back as the same, which suggests they are identical twins, but it isn't impossible for them to be fraternal. We will receive the tests from the placentas back by Monday, which may give us a better idea.

Maranda is doing quite well, and she has been awesome during this whole experience. She is now a little sore, but she's very relieved and happy that the girls are now here. She will probably be able to go home Monday.

Doctors are very hopeful that the girls will be able to go home in 5 to 7 days, but nothing is for certain. We are very excited with their progress, as they have been "perfect" for babies born at this gestational age. The nurses are especially ga-ga over these babies, always telling us how cute they are and how excellently they are doing.

We praise God that He has watched over them so well and has set His angels around them while they get ready to go home. We are so overwhelmed. But now... I must go back to the hospital. I have just come home to get a few things. More pictures and updates to follow!

~A very proud Daddy


Christy Broxton said...

Congrats you two! They are gorgeous!!! Can't wait to get my hands on them! :o)

Love ya'll

Dave & Crystal Anderson said...

WOO HOO!!! Praising Him in Costa Rica!! We are so happy for you two!! Can't wait to see more pics of the crew all together!! We love you all so much and are just so excited about what God is doing in your lives! Looks like you will be bringing them home for Christmas!! WOW! What gifts!! You will always remember this Christmas and His wonderful blessings.

Love you....God bless you guys!

michellemitch said...
