Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Babies Coming Home!

Just a few days after entering the world at 34.5 weeks, the Coulter girls are getting ready for their trip home. The pediatrician said today that if they continue to progress as they have the past few days, they will be going home on Saturday morning.

This truly has been a blessing--even down to the timing. Being so close to Christmas, I will almost have ten full days of being with the girls before having to go back to work. I could not have asked for anything more.

God is so cool! He has answered every request to the utmost. We did not like having our girls in NICU, but they have been on the fast track and have passed up babies that were born far later in pregnancy. Every child is different, and our girls are children of the Most High!

Thank you again for your prayers. Please pray for Madelyn, that she would maintain her strength. She has been getting more worn out than Maleah. Also, pray that their feeding continues to be good. They love food (just like their Daddy), but they have problems with the harder bottles. They seem to like to nurse.

Also, please continue to remember Maranda. She has been so wonderful, and she seems so at ease with the girls. I just want her to have the confidence in God and in herself that we all have in her. :-)

Life is good. ~A

1 comment:

Dave & Crystal Anderson said...

God is SOOOO GOOD!!!! I am so happy to hear they are coming home!! Just in time for Christmas! What gifts! Could you ask for anything better than that?:)....Maranda..I know you wil be an awesome will come completly natural for you. The only advice I would have for you...SLEEP everytime the babies sleep!!! take care of yourself...and get as much rest as you possibly can. We are continueing to pray for you!! Love you both so much...keep those pictures coming!!!
