Sunday, January 07, 2007

Identical or Fraternal?

Everyone has been asking, "So are they identical?" And to our chagrin, we can only say that we have to wait and see. The placenta tests were inconclusive, but the girls do have the same blood type.
But that doesn't always mean that they are identical. They did have their own sacs while in the womb, but that still leaves a 40% chance of being identical.
So... now you tell us. I have taken two pictures tonight. Madelyn is in the purple. Maleah is in pink. By these photos, what are they--identical or fraternal?
We go back and forth, so we'd love to read your guesses... I mean your posts. hehe ~A


Jenn said...

My guess is fraternal....

Christy Broxton said...

OK ... so I keep getting distracted. Every time I start to look closely at their features to make my "guess", I am distracted by how cute they are!!!! LOL - bet you get that a LOT!

Love ya

Alan and/or Maranda said...

I think you might just be trying to get out of a guess. :-) But yes... they do get that a lot.



michellemitch said...

I'll go with the generic it's too close to call. That way I don't lose money either way :) (only kidding... I haven't placed any bets on your babes!)

Olney Family said...

Get used to hearing that question alot. And for one stranger in the mall to declare that they're definitely identical, only for the next stranger to state that they are clearly fraternal. (Also get used to being stopped every ten feet when you venture out in public.)

They look pretty darn close! We got a mail-order zygosity test from Proactive Genetics for $170. Just some cotton swabs in the mouth. Must less invasive and less expensive than the hospital, who wanted to charge $1200 for blood work!

Raising twins is a blast!!

Dave & Crystal Anderson said...

Ok....after reviewing this post...I was thinking identical! But going back and seeing the pic of them side by side in the bassinette...I have to say fraternal (their little faces appear to be quite anyway!LOL). I bet they will keep changing...and everyday they will change!! They are just so cute!!!!

Tonda Turner said...

Ok... I guess fraternal.
Ok, that is my guess but I do know for sure without a doubt that they are simply beautiful!!! No doubt about that. :>)
Love you guys, Maranda, I miss you.
Hope to see you soon.

Love yall all,

queenking said...

Oh, truth be told no matter what the real answer is, half the world won't believe it. I have probably dealt with this my whole life"No you're not identical" , "Um, yes we are" , "No way, you don't look alike at all, " um really we are", " way" . Boy that's a fun discussion and it never gets frustrating:)My guess is fraternal though, but if I am wrong, I'll concede. See you tomorrow!