Monday, April 30, 2007

Learning to like veggies!

The girls started eating rice cereal a couple of weeks ago, and now they've moved on to green beans! Today was the first day of vegetables, and green beans was the first to try. Maleah loved the beans at first bite. Normally with the cereal the girls don't react so well with the first couple of bites until they get used to it, but the green beans were a wonderful new experience for Maleah. Madelyn however... it still took her a few bites to acquire the taste, but once she got going with it, she loved them as well. (Madelyn is in the first and third pictures down, and Maleah in the others.)

Also for another update... They went to the doctor for their four month checkup last week, and Madelyn weighs 13 lbs. 3.5 oz., and Maleah weighs 13 lbs. 7.5 oz! They are right on average for where full term babies would be at this point. I have prayed all along that there would be no evidence that they were premature, and they have been an answer to that prayer! They are not only on track for their weight, but also developmentally. I'm very proud of my girls!

1 comment:

Jenn said...

Maranda - you are going to have to show Alen how to find the mouth. They are beautiful ----