Saturday, October 14, 2006

The nursery is really starting to look like the girls' room. Kim spent this weekend painting lilac walls and freehanded music staffs and flowers on the walls with lyrics to "Jesus Loves Me" and "You are My Sunshine." (Thanks, YaYa!) Hopefully we can get some digital pictures of the nursery up soon for you all to see.

God really has been good to us. People have been blessing us with gifts and hand-me-downs. Someone from our church actually gave us a crib, which means we only have to buy ONE! Let's just pray that I can actually put the thing together!

Maranda is now on home rest from work. She had another bout with contractions and had her first experience with Turb. Turb is a drug injection which helps stop contractions. However, the nurse described Turb as having the effects of twelve shots of espresso all at once... And I think that was pretty accurate. But you will have to ask Maranda for yourself. Her eyes got bulging and glassy, her hands and feet would not be still, and her ten-minute high slowly gave way to feeling extremely sick. Needless to say, Maranda does not want to have to take Turb again.

We go back for another ultrasound on October 24. So you know what that means.... MORE PICTURES!!!

1 comment:

Dave & Crystal Anderson said...

Hey two..I mean four..are in my prayers!! I would love to see a pic of Maranda and how she has grown. I love seeing your updates and seeing how you are already growing as parents. We love you both..I mean all...boy that will take some time to get used to!! :)